Resolution time

Now, looking forward, who is making a New Year’s Resolution? Do you normally make one? Did you succeed in last year’s goals? Or do you prefer to just go with the flow and not limit yourself by setting certain expectations?This year I don’t want to pressure myself too much and just want to focus on overall improvement and trying my best with whatever is thrown at me.
Here are my three goals:

#1 Write Volume 3 in the Sihpromatum series
#2 Positive Thinking.
#3 Hydrate.

Unfortunately, I will have to disappoint my readers, I don’t expect to have the third book released by my next book tour in October 2015 but hope to be well on my way.

Since the excitement of the book tour came to an abrupt end, I must admit I was initially slightly melancholy. This downtime has somehow covered me in a dark blanket of negativity. SoooOOoooo, because I know it’s such a waste of energy and completely unnecessary when I have so much to be thankful for, I am going to focus on being more aware of my thoughts and the energy I am radiating.  When you actually stop and consciously censor your thoughts by saying “Nope! Negative thought” and cut it off before it can fully form into energy, it makes an instant difference in how you feel. Try it for one day! You’ll be amazed by how many times you will tell yourself that and the difference positive ones replacing them makes.

For the third goal, I think this research says enough.
“75% of Americans May Suffer From Chronic Dehydration, According to Doctors”






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