Iran Photo Essay

Restaruant in Yazd

Restaruant in Yazd This is where sky burials took place, That practice stopped in the 50s or 60. Yazd

I have seen so much and yet there is so much more I haven’t.  We tried to get into Iran while we were in the area back in 2006 but were not able to get visa’s 🙁 .  Although Ammon did finally get a visa and visit a couple of years ago. Ammon has put Iran in his top favorite countries list.

This is what he has to say: “Don’t let Iran’s poor reputation in the media put you off. Instead listen to the stories of those that have visited and come home amazed. Iran definitely has its cultural and political quirks but is by far the most hospitable country I have ever visited. The quality and variety of its historical and archaeological sites rivals anything any other country can offer too. The food was great, travel was cheap and I always felt safe. I would go back in a heartbeat if I could get another visa.”

Thanks again Ammon for the great photos.

Restaruant in Yazd

Stay tuned for more #FridayFotos. Next week is Iraq

View more photos of Iran here..

For more of my travel photography, find me on Instagram. See you there!

Savannah Grace

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