Ghent Photo Essay

Gravensteen Castle. But to me, it is a walk through “Game of Thrones” or “Outlander” imagining myself in an earlier age so far removed from my own.


Because this city put me in awe, I have decided to talk less and show more. Below is a photo essay of Ghent, Belgium with captions. 

Part of what I love about travelling, is that weird feeling when you get home and think, gosh, I was in a different city YESTERDAY.



1.Bug Graffiti – Ironically, one of my absolute favourite discoveries in Ghent was this long alleyway covered in vibrant and artistic graffiti!


How can you NOT wonder; How old is this door? Who made it? Where does it lead? What stories could it tell?

I seriously just stepped into a fictional novel with castles and dragons! I would do anything to have a door like this.

Super cool! Still don’t know why I haven’t bought one of these for my door.

Mom spotted this skinny alley that led to a tucked away bar. From a Canadian viewpoint, it’s crazy to think that people’s front doors are in this alley.

  Belgium is known for its HUGE selection of beers. Love the look of this old shop. Inside the ceiling is low, the shop is cramped and has a rickety curved stairway leading upstairs where the stock is kept.

Why does this make me think of Las Vegas? I love being in the presence of REAL architecture and history. Who was this built for? How old is it?


That sinking house look you see so often in places like Amsterdam, Brugge and Venice. Even my Dutch boyfriend is baffled by their construction in the water.

 A real CASTLE! It doesn’t matter how many I’ve seen, I’m always just as excited as the first. What would residents of this castle in its time have thought of the mere sight of a bicycle?  But to me, it is a walk through “Game of Thrones” or “Outlander” imagining myself in an earlier age so far removed from my own.

Such a cool door! I love the little mini door within the big door. How can you not imagine your knight in shining armour racing through the gates on his horse, with a dragon in hot pursuit?!

I just can’t get over that this is a normal, everyday place that people come to play basketball….Or modern gyms don’t compare to this unique and historic setting! Why is everything so much more intriguing in Europe?!

Pharmacy. Just stop for a second and imagine this was what your local pharmacy looked like! My gosh, this thing belongs in a museum.

I think a simple translation is enough for this caption. Verboden fietsen the plaatsen = Forbidden to Place Bike

Ghent Clock Tower





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